Sunday, March 30, 2008

Women's History month 2008 is nearly over, but I am excited because I am just beginning. I am finally starting my blog on women's issues and news in Utah. It has taken me two years to get to this point. What I want to share is what I have seen, heard, read and thought about women's issues. I did some fun and educational things in this month of Women's History, although some of them may have ocurred in February, like seeing the play "Crowns." A friend of mine was one of the actresses, DeeDee Duffin, she was wonderful and sang so well. "Crowns" is the story of black women's hats and the stories of the women wearing them. You can buy the book of photos exhibited at the time "Crowns" ran.

I saw a gorgeous powerful pink almost fuschia colored wide-rimmed hat the other day. I wanted to buy it, but I wondered would I really wear it ever? It makes a statement and do I really want to do that? Maybe I should buy it for a decoration, but where would I put it? Some things just have to be relished in memory. The pink hat would give me a memory of Women's History Month 2008 and the year I started by blog. Maybe I will just have to go and get it!